8 november 2005

Joy is a feeling of grinning inside

Visst blir man glad av att se lilla solstrålen Manolito!
Idag fick jag ett trevligt samtal:
- Vill du komma på anställningsintervju?
- Javisst!
- Intervjun sker på engelska.
- Oooops... OK.

Jag behöver fräscha upp mina kunskaper lite...
men det ska nog gå bra.

Cross your fingers, please!

"People have always created their own worlds of myths and dreams, perpetuating their lives in hose imaginary worlds. At times of duress, they have created more such worlds, which have given them haven and facilitated their lives. In their transition from one darkness to another, having acquired the consciousness of death, they have realized their lives and the joy of living in the world of myths and dreams they have created." - Yashar Kemal

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